Since 2007, RG Heating and Cooling, Inc. has been providing quality HVAC services. Based in Chula Vista, we serve all of San Diego County. As a family owned and operated company, we always put our customers' comfort as our top priority. We are professional, personable, and honest. Contact us today to discover why our customers love working with Rodolfo! When he arrives at your home, you know you will receive quality workmanship and solutions to all your heating and cooling needs. Rodolfo began his work in the HVAC industry in 1999. To this day, he continues to take pride in his attention to detail and in doing the very best that he can for each customer.

Count On Us
You can count on RG Heating and Cooling, Inc. for:
- Bathroom, Attic, Entire Home Fans, Crawl Space & Range Ventilation Installations
- Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
- Extensive Portfolio of Satisfied Clients
- Heating & Cooling Sales & Installations
- Heating & Cooling Service & Repairs
- Residential & Commercial Service
- Spanish Speaking Service Professionals
Fully Licensed & Insured
HVAC License: C-20, #901349
EPA Certification

Better Business Bureau (BBB), Accredited Businesses
BBB maintains Business Reviews on more than 4.5 million businesses and rates them based on complaint histories, responsiveness to customers, licensing, legal and government action, and other factors. Only Accredited Businesses that meet the BBB Code of Business Practices are permitted to display the BBB logo in their marketing and place of business.